5 February, 2020

Pandemic pneumonia caused by the Corona virus (nCoV) is creating issues worldwide. With the alarming risk of the virus in recent days, MEC recommends some necessary tips to prevent the disease:


  • Use an air cleaner / open windows


Air cleaners will be helpful during this epidemic. Most air cleaner filter large particles such as dust mites and pollen that cause cough. Some machines can filter small particles about 0.3 microns, including many bacteria and some viruses.


  • Adjust proper temperature 


A proper temperature is also an effective way to prevent Corona virus from developing. According to experience from experts, cold and humid air condition make them spread more easily. People should keep the room temperature above 25 degrees Celsius. Corona virus will not survive for long in a high temperature and spacious environment.


  • Ensure hygiene with clean water system


Hand washing is extremely important.People need to wash their hands carefully with soap and water, or alcohol based hand wash/gel regularly. A clean water system is an indispensable condition in this dangerous disease prevention campaign. Therefore, hiring experienced plumbing engineers to inspect the water system, ensure the quality of clean water is not to be missed.

Pay attention to these small but very important actions to prevent this disease outbreak today. MEC engineers believe that smart usage of the MEP system in your own home is also a great contribution in the fight against Corona Virus.